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Published: 09-Dec-10
Total Traffic Annihilation: Mastering Comment Marketing
Blog comment marketing is, perhaps, one of the most misunderstood forms of marketing out there. You’ve only to watch someone make a totally irrelevant comment on a post so they can spam their link to know that some people just do not have a fantastic grasp of this procedure. Other people try it only once or twice before concluding that it doesn’t actually generate any traffic. These failures don’t mean the method is broken, however, it just means most people have more to learn. Here is a step-by-step process you can use to make blog comment marketing more effective.

Step 1: Find blogs related to your business or website. You can start with, but you can also try the Yahoo! Blog Directory. You want to find three or four well-trafficked blogs that you’ll visit on a daily basis. Look for blogs whose posts inspire you to say something. You can also seek out blogs on social media sites like Facebook and MySpace.

Step 2: Make insightful, interesting, and on-target comments. Make the comments non-commercial. You can either leave your link in the signature or in the comment itself, but either way it’s a good idea to have that link travel to a non-commercial portion of your site—to, perhaps, a section where you keep articles or your own blog. So long as there are links all over your site back to the commercial portion people will find their way there.

Step 3: Establish a regular routine. You’re actually aiming to become a regular member of the blog community. Some people do “drive-by” commenting, but that’s not particularly effective. You want to build a reputation. As that reputation increases you may even find your blog added to the blog roll, or see your work featured as the subject of another blogger’s post.

You can learn many other techniques for generating free traffic by taking the Total Traffic Annihilation course, which includes videos, an eBook, and a software package all designed to help you maximize traffic coming into your site. This course demonstrates how often success can just be a matter of tweaking simple things. You might, for example, have already tried blog commenting, but perhaps you spread your efforts out across too many blogs, or you didn’t do the work consistently enough to begin seeing actual results. Blog commenting is just one of 28 techniques offered in the course.

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