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Published: 27-Sep-13
Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, Sept 27, 2013
If you missed today's live session - WOW - George gave a sneak peak of a new service he's working on that is EASILY going to put more money in your pocket. Don't worry the session WAS recorded and will be posted within 24 hours to your member area, you will want to watch this! See below for a teaser....

George spent a good deal of time talking about critical components of building a successful online business. He also talked at length about existing services and coming services that you can use to promote ANY and ALL your OTHER affiliate programs to generate more leads and more sales.

Main topics:

1. Lead Generation 2. List building 3. Marketing essentials 4. Traffic generation

Specifically, George covered:

- Types of free advertising (Safelists and Exchanges) - Types of paid advertising - What to promote, where to promote - How to earn the MOST free ad credits you can on Safelists.

Worldprofit Member services demonstrated

- The Affiliate Center (included in your Membership) how to use this to promote any and all your OTHER programs on your website. - Traffic Control (included in your Membership and demonstration of how you get your monthly Traffic Injections)

SNEAK PREVIEW! George provided a look at a new Worldprofit service that is in the works now. The service will allow you as a Silver or Platinum VIP Member to offer unique bonuses to people who convert from a free to a paid membership. This will allow you to build bonuses - use these to get more Silver Membership sales - AND - also use this to offer bonuses for people who join your OTHER opportunities/affiliates. So no matter what you are promoting, this new service will help you get more sales! This will be very powerful - OFFERS are what clinch sales. Offers are what increases sales. This service does not exist elsewhere so watch for its release very soon - exclusively available to Worldprofit Members ONLY! Watch for announcements in the next month.

A question and answer session followed.

Thank you to everyone who attended the training session.

The recorded version of the live session will be posted within 24 hours to your Worldprofit Member area in the TRAINING section.

Next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training is on Friday!

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» Paid Online Writing Jobs - Get paid to write short Facebook ads ($320.00 per day)

Get a free Worldprofit Associate membership and start learning how to earn at home. Worldprofit is the #1 popular choice for online training so you can learn exactly what you need to do to make money from reputable online trusted sources.

Republished with author's permission.