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Published: 09-Nov-10
So you think Social Networking Sites are a Waste of Time? Rethink this or lose out.
So you think Social Networking Sites are a Waste of Time? Think again, Google's new Indexing System says different, site owners take note.

If you have been one of the nay-sayers about Social Networking sites like FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, Friendster, and YouTube you may want to rethink this belief. If you have been saying, "I just don't get it." It's time to "get it" especially if you want to exploit this for the good of your online business.

First, you need to know that Google is now indexing Social Networking content including video, images and blogs right alongside with webpages. What this means for you is this. If you don't use these sites to promote your business you are missing out on a lot of free promotion for your business and opportunity to get better indexed at search engines. The more content you have online about your business, products and services, the better indexed your site will be. This means your customers and prospects will be more easily able to find what you have to offer at your site. The more links TO your site (called backlinks), the more popular your site is viewed by search engines, especially if those links come from what are deemed as high-profile (authority ) sites.

Here is what you need to know to capitalize on all this free promotion for your business (essentially this is Search Engine Optimization Strategy whether you know it or not).

Getting good returns from Social Search Results means:

1. If you don't have a Google account get one. Make sure you have all of your important links on your Google Profile. 2. Do make as many connections as possible on the most popular social networking sites especially the ones that attract your market. 3. Encourage customers to follow you via social networks. Include your Twitter address, FaceBook address etc on your site and your marketing materials. 4. Participate in social media so people will engage with you. This starts with getting a free account for your business on the popular social sites. 5. Encourage sharing of content (there are plenty available social media buttons) Example: Flicker, Digg, etc, 6. Always include social network information on business cards, signs and so forth. Get the word out in as many places as you can. 7. Be sure to include as much social network information as you can in your online promotions 8. Everywhere you network include a link BACK to your website - this is CRITICAL.

Remember when doing searches, social results will always be clearly marked as such on Google's SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). The returns will be accompanied by a heading "Results from your social circle". For traditional Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it is just one more thing to compete with as far as website property. That's why social networking is a much more of an important part of search than ever. Get on board now, Google will be announcing more changes to their new indexing system, so make the most of this information now.

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Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., and an IT Consultant for small and home business owners.

Republished with author's permission.