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Published: 09-Dec-12
Fast Tips To Explore The Realms Of Internet Marketing
The internet has opened whole new realms of opportunity and since much of it is fully automated it's quite easy opportunity too. The problem is that we weren't raised to think that you can get something for nothing, we think that if something isn't horrible and difficult it can't really work. Well when it comes to article marketing nothing could be further from the truth. It really is possible to use easy article marketing techniques to generate a ton of very qualified traffic to your website.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, article marketing, it's simply a way to give the search engines what they want and in return they give you what you want. The search engines are always on the lookout for quality, fresh content. You may have heard the phrase 'content is king' and that's what it's referring to.

See the customers of the search engines (anyone who does a search online) demand the information they are looking for. If they don't get it they will stop using the search engines, which is the last thing the search engines want to happen. So they will view any type of information that can keep their searchers happy, favorably.

Here comes the part that benefits you. When you provide quality content for the search engines they will 'repay' you by listing your article at the top of the search results. (Now, of course, there is a little more to it than that. You need to pick out a keyword and include it in your article 2 to 3 times and you need to pick a keyword that gets a lot of searches but doesn't have a lot of competition).

Now that you've got the basics, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions or concerns:

1. I hate to write! Most people will say something like that. I tell them that if you find a great keyword and just write your article around that, you'll be fine. If you are selling dog toys and you find a great keyword 'best dog toys' than all you have to do is write an article listing some great dog toys and why they're great. See? The keywords will largely determine the way the article will go. It's not that hard. (and if you want to you can hire someone to write an article for you).

2. How do I find the right keywords? For this you can use the free Google keyword tool Just plug in the base keyword and you'll get a list of similar keywords. What you are looking for is a keyword that gets around 1,500 searches a month minimum but has less than 20,000 competitors. Generally, if you stay within these guidelines you'll have a good shot at having your article show up on the first page of Google for that keyword.

3. How much does it cost? Nothing, it's totally free. The article directories will publish your articles for free (as long as you follow their rules). The only cost is if you decide to hire someone to write your articles for you, if you do that don't pay more than $10 per article.

That's it. That's the basics of article marketing. I told you that easy article marketing techniques were something anyone could do!

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